Principal Investigator

Roxanne Beltran; click here for CV

2020 Assistant Professor  UC Santa Cruz
2019 Postdoctoral Researcher  UC Santa Cruz
2018 PhD  University of Alaska Fairbanks (defense video)
2015 MSc  University of Alaska Anchorage (defense video).
The Beltran Lab group & BIOE 128L field course students, Spring 2024


Natalie Storm
​(Field Technician)

My role consists of supporting the long term northern elephant seal mark-recapture program at Año Nuevo Reserve. I frequently lead teams of undergraduate and graduate students to conduct flipper tag and mark resights of known-individual seals. I also help weigh and tag the young-of-the-year seals! In addition to supporting on-going research efforts, I am interested in reproductive trade-offs and strategies, such as intermittent breeding.

Conner Hale
​(Research Technician)

I was a member of the first cohort of field assistants, and after graduating in 2022 I joined the lab in my current position. My role allows me to work with members of the lab in the field and office to support ongoing projects and contribute to research publications. Currently I am working on a manuscript about predator avoidance strategies in female northern elephant seals that I hope to submit later this year!

Hannah Jackson
​(Program Assistant)

I joined the Beltran Lab in 2021 as an undergraduate field assistant and, after three field seasons, have transitioned to a program assistant role post-grad. I’m excited to support the long-term monitoring program of northern elephant seals, with research interests broadly in pinniped behavior and physiology.

Post-Doctoral Researchers

Graduate Students

Florencia Vilches (PhD Student)
Fulbright Fellow (Argentina), Co-advised with Dan Costa

My research focuses on the dynamic interaction between environmental changes and migratory marine mammal habitat use. I employ stable isotope analysis of continuously growing tissues, such as whiskers and baleen plates, along with biologging and oceanographic data, to understand how oceanographic anomalies and prey availability interact with northern elephant seal and southern right whale movement and foraging.

Allison Payne (PhD Student)
Co-advised with Elliot Hazen

Salma Abdel-Raheem (PhD Student)

My research is focused on the behavior and development of Northern elephant seals from weaning to age 3. I use biologging instruments to track the at-sea behavior of juvenile seals across age and sex. I am interested in describing and quantifying the habitat use of juveniles to better understand the extreme life history of the most sexually size dimorphic species. I am excited to learn and use quantitative and computational tools to contribute to the broader knowledge of this model system. I enjoy reading, rowing, and long walks or bike rides.

Danial Palance (PhD Student)
Co-advised with Elliot Hazen

My research centers on the spatial and foraging ecology of top predators and their prey in a changing ocean. Grounded in the context of marine hotspots, I use a combination of modeling, remote sensing, and field research methods such as biologging to examine trophic and single species hotspots in the California Current and Northeast Pacific.

Milagros Guadalupe Rivera (PhD Student)
Co-advised with Rachel Meyer

My name is Milagros Guadalupe Rivera and I am a PhD student co-advised by Drs. Roxanne Beltran and Rachel Meyer. My research interests lie broadly in population genomics and what makes species like the northern elephant seal successful after an extreme population bottleneck. I am also interested in the heritability of fitness traits such as lifetime reproductive success and the genetic basis of deep-diving in pinnipeds. I am also super passionate about science communication and creating scientific illustrations. I enjoy horror movies, art, going to zoos/aquariums, and am the parent of two cats and dozens of houseplants!

Zabe Premo (PhD Student)

Esin Ickin

Madison Pfau

Undergraduate Students

Maddi Stewart
2022 – 2023 cohort

Adrien Bastidas
2023 – 2024 cohort

Kelli Ong
2023 – 2024 cohort

Madeline Cheu
2023 – 2024 cohort

Dana Depiero
2023 – 2024 cohort

Aditi Jacob
2024 – 2025 cohort

Gabriella Corneille
2023 – 2024 cohort

Not pictured: Ali White (2024-2025 cohort), Ruby Gonda (2024-2025 cohort)